Zero Tolerance Umpires

Softball Manitoba Zero Tolerance Policy

Verbal and physical abuse of umpires is as unacceptable as verbal and physical abuse of players. 

Softball Manitoba  has a zero-tolerance policy for umpire abuse, disputing judgment calls, or displays of poor sportsmanship. Umpires shall only be spoken to positively and constructively.  It is acceptable to question the interpretation of a rule, but only in a courteous non-confrontational manner. 

Umpire Abuse: any deliberate action by a coach/player/spectator that makes an umpire feel physically threatened, verbally intimidated, or emotionally humiliated. Disrespectfully objecting to calls, yelling at, publicly calling out, and constantly disagreeing with an umpire verbally or through physical gestures can be deemed umpire abuse. 

Judgment Calls - a judgment call is a decision made by an umpire using their opinion of what they have seen. An umpire's judgment call is final. Judgment calls include; ball/strike, safe/out, interference/obstruction, catch/no-catch, fair/foul, etc. 

Verbal Reporting

It is inherent within the Softball Manitoba community to protect umpires from abuse. All Softball Manitoba members are bound to report any incident of umpire abuse to the league UIC within 24 hours of the occurrence of the incident. The League UIC will follow-up with the umpire and the person who submitted the report, and contact the league president (or designate) to initiate discipline. Note that an ejection is not required for the initiation of disciplinary procedures related to umpire abuse. Youth/novice umpires are not expected/required to eject coaches. 


The penalties for any confirmed case of umpire abuse by a coach, player or spectator will be determined by the league committee, and will be appropriate to the severity of the incident. Repeat offenders will face longer penalties. An ejection from a game is NOT a prerequisite for facing discipline.


  • Ejected coaches or spectators cannot remain on the surrounding field areas, including grandstands, and must vacate all field areas promptly after an ejection.
  • Ejected coaches will receive an automatic 1-game suspension, unless otherwise communicated by league UIC’s. 
  • Any incident that involves physical abuse (shoving, bumping) or the threat of physical abuse will result in an immediate indefinite suspension and notification of proper authorities. A manager or coach wishing to be reinstated must appear before the Softball Manitoba Disciplinary Committee for a hearing.

Written Follow-Up

Umpires will provide a written report of confirmed instances of umpire abuse within 72 hours.

Have you witnessed umpire abuse? Please report it HERE.

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